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Is an Exercise Bike Good Cardio? 7 Great Benefits of a Stationary Bike Workout

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Is an Exercise Bike Good Cardio 7 Great Benefits of a Stationary Bike Workout

Cardio; now that’s a word some people dread. However, it doesn’t have to be that way. There are many benefits of a cardio workout; therefore, you should ideally try to incorporate it into your exercise routine. Plus, there are many fun and convenient ways of doing this. You don’t have to run a marathon before the crack of dawn every day. In fact, exercise bikes are an excellent way to incorporate cardio into your exercise regime. Now, you might be wondering, “Is an exercise bike good cardio?” Let’s look at seven great benefits of riding a stationary bike!


Is an Exercise Bike Good Cardio?

Yes, exercise bikes are a great form of cardio, especially if you’re looking to improve your heart health, lose weight, and improve your fitness level.

There are many workout plans you can choose from to find the ideal workout plan for you. However, when training on upright stationary bikes or recumbent bikes, it’s crucial to maintain a medium to high intensity to ensure your heart rate stays high. This way, you’ll be able to make the most out of your workout.


7 Great Benefits of a Stationary Bike Workout

Great Benefits of a Stationary Bike Workout

1. Burns Body Fat

One of the most obvious benefits of a stationary bike workout is that it burns body fat. This is because cycling is considered to be a high-intensity workout, resulting in increased strength and burnt calories. This is because your heart rate increases and your metabolism is boosted while you pedal.

According to a study conducted by Harvard Medical School, if you do an intense 30-minute cardio workout on an exercise bike and weigh approximately 125 pounds, you can burn up to 315 calories. However, if the same person did a moderate-intensity workout, they could burn up to 210 calories.

As you can see, an effective stationary bike workout can help you burn calories quickly, which results in less body fat. However, it’s still crucial to maintain a healthy diet.

2. Helps with Weight Loss

If losing weight is one of your top priorities, you need to incorporate cardiovascular exercises into your workout routine. Therefore, stationary bikes are the perfect equipment if you want to lose weight. If you want to lose weight, you need to focus on burning calories, which is what indoor cycling helps you achieve.

Keep in mind that the number of calories burnt will differ depending on your current body weight and the intensity and duration of your workout. However, by consistently riding a stationary bike, you should be able to reach your fitness and body goals.

3. Boosts Cardiovascular Fitness

Riding an exercise bike is one of the best ways to get your heart pumping. Indoor cycling is known for strengthening your lungs, heart, and muscles and increasing the flow of oxygen throughout your body.

A few ways this can benefit your health include:

    • Better sleep
    • Improved brain functioning and memory
    • A stronger immune system
    • Better mood
    • Increased energy levels
    • Lower blood pressure
    • Lower stress levels
    • Improved blood sugar levels

4. Strengthens Your Legs and Lower Body

While a stationary bike does wonders for your upper body, it’s also extremely beneficial for your lower body, including your legs. If you’re training on a recumbent bike, upright bike, or other type of stationary bike in your gym, you can get an even better cardio workout by increasing the resistance levels on the bike.

When you pedal, you’re strengthening your calves, quads, and hamstrings. However, it will also strengthen your back, core, and glutes. If the bike has handles, you’ll also be able o work on your shoulders, biceps, and triceps.

5. Is an Excellent Low-impact Workout

Using an exercise bike is a great way to get in a low-impact workout, unlike jumping rope or running. Therefore, if you’re recovering from an injury, have joint problems, or are new to working out, this is the ideal workout option for you. This is because an exercise bike allows you to practice smooth movements that don’t put unnecessary pressure on your joints.

However, this is not to be confused with an easy exercise. Riding on a stationary bike is still an effective and challenging workout. Thus, it’s still a suitable workout for beginners and fitness enthusiasts.

6. Safer than Cycling on the Road

Even though outdoor biking is a fun and exhilarating experience, it does not mean it’s without dangers. Cyclists are exposed to a number of risks such as getting hit by a car, unexpected weather conditions, uneven terrain, and more.

A stationary bike eliminates all these problems by providing a safe environment for you to do your cardio workout. Furthermore, you’re free to workout at any time of the day without having to worry about bad weather or traffic.

7. Allows for Interval Training

When training on a stationary bike, you don’t have to train continuously when you’re tired. Instead, you’re free to take breaks or split your workout between intense and less intense exercise, which can improve your cardio fitness levels and burn more calories.

Because stationary bikes usually have different resistance levels, you can exercise at different intensity levels, which is also ideal for interval training.


How Do Exercise Bikes Compare to Other Forms of Cardio and Fitness Equipment?

Believe it or not, an exercise bike is probably the best cardio workout you can do. This is because it’s much safer and more effective than many other types of exercises and equipment, such as aerobic exercise or a treadmill.

Many types of fitness equipment, such as the treadmill, are not suitable for people with physical injuries, including:

  • Shoulder pain
  • Knee pain 
  • Foot pain
  • Back pain 
  • Saddle sores

However, this isn’t the case with an exercise bike, which is less risky than running.


The Bottom Line

exercise bike is a fantastic form of cardio exercise

Put simply, an exercise bike is a fantastic form of cardio exercise. From weight loss to improved muscle strength, it offers a wide range of benefits that will improve your physical and mental health. This efficient exercise is ideal for beginners or fitness enthusiasts and will get you on track with your fitness goals in no time.

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